It has been a bit since my last post! Hopefully, I can get all caught up this weekend!
I think I have managed to get the FuriousFPV MOSKITO 70 ready to fly. I have talked with FuriousFPV support and they had me upgrade to the latest version of BetaFlight. That did not help the issue I was having. FuriousFPV support was not very responsive and only asked me to upgrade to the latest version of BetaFlight 3.2.2. They did give me a command that allowed the receiver to communicate with the drone after the upgrade. I think they are also based in Vietnam so the time difference probably had some to do with the time between communications. Once I got the receiver communicating and all of the Modes configured in BetaFlight it was still doing the same thing as before…
Here is what all I had to do to a supposedly BNF quadcopter. (BNF is Bind And Fly. Which means Bind your radio to the receiver and fly. This should be a couple minutes and you are in the air.) The only thing that takes this drone a bit longer to Bind is because you have to remove the camera to access the bind button on the receiver. It still
- solder up a couple ESC WIRES from the motors.
- solder up the VTX plug ground wire.
- reverse ALL of the motors
- move all the props to the proper CW/ CCW positions.
- solder up a loose receiver wire
I ended up having to order new props because I managed to break all the others trying to fix the above issues. Those have now come in and I am going to try and test to see if everything is now functioning as it should. I also contacted support from where it was purchased they had some good support. They were very responsive and helped me get to where I am now. They also offered me the option to exchange, refund or 15% off if I decided to keep the one I have. The plan is to keep it assuming it will fly after all this work. If it does not work after all this I will probably just get a refund and find another indoor option. I really hope this one will work now that I have fixed about everything that can be fixed and have several batteries and extra props.